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module.exports = {
types: [
value: ":zap: feat",
name: "⚡️ feat: 新功能",
value: ":bug: fix",
name: "🐛 fix: 修复bug",
value: ":pencil2: docs",
name: "✏️ docs: 文档变更",
value: ":lipstick: style",
name: "💄 style: 代码的样式美化",
value: ":building_construction: refactor",
name: "🏗️ refactor: 重构",
value: ":wheelchair: perf",
name: "♿️ perf: 性能优化",
value: ":monocle_face: test",
name: "🧐 test: 测试",
value: ":technologist: chore",
name: "🧑‍💻 chore: 构建/工程依赖/工具",
messages: {
type: "请选择提交类型(必填)",
customScope: "请输入文件修改范围(可选)",
subject: "请简要描述提交(必填)",
body: "请输入详细描述(可选)",
breaking: "列出任何BREAKING CHANGES(可选)",
footer: "请输入要关闭的issue(可选)",
confirmCommit: "确定提交此说明吗?",
allowCustomScopes: true,
allowBreakingChanges: ["feat", "fix"], // 当提交类型为feat、fix时才有破坏性修改选项
subjectLimit: 72,